We are currently looking to creativley use video to inspire our worship at Freespirit - we have all the equipment (camera, software, CD writer etc). All we need is you! Please get in touch if this something you would like to have a go at - no experience needed!!
Your ideas count!! We are also always looking for helpful ways of responding to God in our worship - particularly involving using actions, objects and activities. Get in touch if you would like to be invloved in this part of the evening.
Freespirit is your space to meet with God!! Have your say about how you would like to do that and what you find helpful for yourself and others.
You really don't have to,
If you don't want to;
You don't have to swallow, your tears away.
But when life leaves you feeling empty and hollow
There's a path you can follow and a prayer you can say.
And when the antidotes don't work
God will make you feel better then
Think of the time we spend just wishing away what we have
Think of the blood he shed for you.
And when you're looking for
all the answers
there's only one person worth turning to
if you're left just feeling pain and sorrow
then he will heal you and take your fear away.
And when the antidotes don't work
Then remember who cares for you
Think of the life God gave and don't be afraid to be loved
Don't give way to life's pressure
and risk loosing the pleasure you have gained.
was originally a song called 'Swallow' which I wrote about tuning to God
for guidance and support when life
is weighing you down, not alcohol and drugs, I adapted it to fit more easily
with prayer, I hope it inspires
you and brings out feelings you didn't know were there-
Anwen Lewis
Sometimes I don't feel special, but I know I am
Someties I don't feel loved, but I know I am
Sometimes I feel like it's the end of the line and there's no point,
but I know there is.
God thinks I'm special, he made me special
God loves me, He let his Son die for me before I was born
God has a purpose for my life, I just have to trust Him
God loves me no matter what happens, and no matter what happens
Love conquers all.